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The Sarasota Ballet offers a continuing education program for adults of all ages.  From weekly classes to workshops and special opportunities to connect with The Sarasota Ballet, there is something for everyone.


Basic Ballet

Designed for students with little or no experience, this class will move slowly and focus on introducing basic ballet positions, good posture/alignment, musicality, and the joy of movement.

Level 1

For students who have some previous experience and would like to start ballet again after a break or enjoy a slower-paced class. Beginning at the barre, students will develop their ballet vocabulary and coordination through simple combinations in the center, along with the concepts of turning and jumping.

Level 2

A more challenging class for students who have attended Level 1 or have had at least two to three years of prior ballet experience. Barre work includes balances in all positions, turning, and incorporating port de bras. Centre work includes the use of the body directions in combinations, with the beginnings of grand allegro (large traveling jumps).

Level 3

The highest level of ballet is offered at The Sarasota Ballet School. Barre and center combinations are more complex, combining more elements and incorporating different musical accents and rhythms. The class will cover all center work from tendu through to grand allegro and is taught at a faster pace with more combinations of steps. Students must take this class to be eligible for the adult pointe class.


Students who can complete a Level 3 class or have previous experience are eligible for pointe work. Pointe work is mainly at the barre, with combinations using both one and two feet. Students are advised to talk to teachers first to see if they are ready for pointe work.


The Sarasota Ballet School’s Adult Program offers a fantastic array of classes and workshops for the adult learner. Join us as many times a week as you like. No experience – no problem! We have a Basic Ballet class every Wednesday evening.



Monday through Friday classes take place at the Golemme Studios – 1400 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota
Saturday classes take place at 500 Tallevast Road, Sarasota

10:00-11:30 | Level 2
Taught by Annali Rose Clevenger

10:00-11:30 | Level 2
Taught by Jennifer Welch Cudnik

7:00-8:00 | Basic Ballet
Taught by Alberto Blanco

10:00-11:30 | Level 1
Taught by Alberto Blanco

6:00-7:00 | Basic Ballet/Level 1
Taught by Alberto Blanco

Saturday *Please note Saturday mornings will be at 500 Tallevast Road, Sarasota
9:30-11:00* note time | Level 3
Taught by Annali Rose Clevenger

11:00-11:45* note time | Pointe
Taught by Annali Rose Clevenger
*Note a minimum of 4 students is needed to run this class. Students must take the preceding Level 3 class.

*Please note teachers are subject to change


Each month we will be holding special workshops from 10:00 – 11:30. We are sure you will enjoy attending these special offerings.

Thursday February 13th – Terminology Basics Part 2 – Taught by Dierdre Miles Burger

Thursday March 20th – Variations- Taught by Addul Manzano

Weekend Mini Intensive

Our popular Mini Intensive will be offered in the Fall and Spring

Saturday/Sunday March 29th – 30th including a ticket to see The Sarasota Ballet in Romeo and Juliet

Weekend Mini Intensives will be $225 each. They will include classes in technique, pointe, variations, and repertoire.

Registration & Pricing

Pre-Register for All Classes
$18 for Single Regular Class
$12 for Single Basic Ballet/Pointe Class

Class Cards are available:
$120 for 8 classes
$210 for 16 classes
$250 for unlimited Monthly classes
$65 Pointe/Basic Ballet class for 6 classes

*Class Cards must be used within 6 months of purchase date

Private Lessons:
$100 per hour or share a class for $45 per person per hour


FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT 941.487.8763 | [email protected]