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Community Engagement  –   Community PILLAR

Under our Community pillar, The Sarasota Ballet is committed to engaging with the community and breaking down barriers to accessing the arts.

The variety of options provided under Community Experiences demonstrates our commitment to making dance accessible and enjoyable for diverse audiences.  With events such as backstage tours, ballet talkbacks, lecture demonstrations, community performances in unconventional spaces, and family dance events, these experiences not only allow for a deeper connection between the dancers and the community but also provide educational opportunities for the audience to learn more about the art of ballet.

This pillar also offers low-cost or complimentary tickets to The Sarasota Ballet’s professional performances for marginalized community groups ensuring that financial constraints do not become a barrier to enjoying high-quality performances. 

The Sarasota Ballet’s Community Experiences reflects a forward-thinking approach to ensuring that dance is accessible to all while creating a lasting impact on the cultural landscape of the community.

Community Experience Offerings